Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Simple Steps to Stay on Track in 2012!

These are some things that I do to help me stay focused on what is important, which is my health and my sanity!

I started my health regimen by picking 3 days a week, for 1 hour, to designate as my "gym" time.

(I do Monday, Wednesday, and Friday). So a total of 3 hours a week dedicated to better health. 

Put those days in your scheduler and treat those times (your workout days) as you would an important executive meeting or a hair appointment. You wouldn't miss one of those would you??

Make workout days have an important meaning. Your health is important, isn't it? 

I actually schedule things around my gym time now.

I would always find an excuse not to go. Scheduling put me in a mind set, that this WAS important!
I mean, let's get real....people would never have time to go to the must MAKE time.

Ok, onto tip number 2

You should always eat your first meal within 1 hour of waking up.

Example Breakfast: 2 eggs, 1 slice whole grain bread, 1 tablespoon sugar free jelly, 8 oz water
You can also have a cup of coffee or tea with your breakfast.

If you fail to plan you already plan to fail!  YOU MUST PLAN YOUR FOOD! You can't out train a poor diet. I can not stress this enough.

Designate a food preparation day. I go grocery shopping ONCE a week ( I loathe grocery shopping!) and I prep my foods for the week.

I separate snacks, make salads, make steamed chicken or tuna, rice - etc.  I have a "snack" basket I keep on the counter with all my snacks for the week.

So the whole week all I do is grab and go.  Everything is already done.  It takes me about 3 hours total to do the groceries, put it all away, cook, prep, and package. 
Once that is done it's done. I don't have to worry about anything as far as food goes for the week!

My entire family is doing this - and I have a husband and three teenage boys! So if I can convert them into doing this, anyone can do it.

Example Snacks: 1/4 cup almonds or 3 celery sticks with 2tbs almond butter or protein shake. Make sure to have 8oz water with your snack!

 Example Lunch: 3 oz tuna packed in water. Bed of greens, chopped celery, green onion, and fresh cilantro. Drink 8 oz water!

Example Dinner: 4 to 6 oz of meat (chicken, turkey, lean beef) 1 sweet potato, unlimited veggies, like broccoli, green beans, cabbage and don't forget your 8 oz water!

If you really want to do something,you will find a way. If u don't, you will find an excuse.

Tip 4:

Eat every 2.5 to 3 hours. It's the key to speeding up your metabolism!

Eating too little forces your body to switch into conservation mode and burn fewer calories, which means you're more likely to hang onto body fat.

Undereating can cause your body to break down muscle mass for fuel, which also causes a metabolic slow down.

Unless you want to wind up thinner but flabbier, eating enough and at regular times is key.

Tip 5:

Drink plenty of water!

Tip 6:

Take supplements.  I use NOW. They have the GMP seal.

Good Manufacturing more about that here... CLICK HERE

Here is what I take and why:

Multivitamin (the NOW brand recommends two gel caps), Omega's (1500mg per day), ChromeMate (200 mcg 1 per day), R-ALA, (200-400mg per day 1-3 per day depending on body composition) and Silymarin (1 per day)

Multivitamin: provides the body with vitamins and minerals that are missing in most of today's foods.
Omega 3: helps lower cholesterol, helps cardiovascular system, brain food! Stabilizes mood, and improves fat metabolism.
ChromeMate: helps body metabolize sugar, prevents muscle loss, and increases your body's metabolism
R-ALA: powerful antioxidant - reduces aging effects and helps metabolize sugars, fat burner!
Silymarin: cleans and detoxes liver, helps overall digestion effectiveness, a healthy liver equals better fat metabolism!

 Tip: 7

Get plenty of rest!  Deep REM sleep is when we produce the Human Growth Hormone...also know as our body's best natural fat burner! 

Tip 8:

Last but not least...try to stay consistent!  If you have a day where you slip, don't beat yourself up! Just start fresh again on your next meal. Just tell yourself you CAN do this and you are worth it!


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